
Making long stories short

Legal compliance

All our work is about our customer's legal certainty concerning legal and internal EHS requirements. We do not only advise in terms of content but also focus on the best way of implementation. 

For this purpose we offer specific services and tools:

Risolva Infoletter
Our monthly overview of changes in provisions regarding the legislation of state and federal level of Germany as well as European legislation.

Hotline service
Our in-a-nutshell-advice to all questions concerning operational EHS matters.

Legal Register AGENDA and AGENDA Update Service
The instrument to evaluate the applicability of legal provisions for a company/site and to document the related EHS operator obligations.

Compliance Talk 
The training for EHS professionals and line managers on changes of legislation including discussion of the impact on our customers' operation definition of actions and related responsibilities, if necessary.

Compliance audit
The health check of a company's legal compliance which with Risolva is no black & white auditing. We give advice on how to implement legal provisions optimally as well.

Delegation of entrepreneurial obligations
Three-stage, pragmatic approach for medium-sized companies or corresponding locations within a (international) large corporation.

Approval management
We prepare application documents and/or accompany you through the approval process so that you have your permit in your hands as soon as possible.

Environmental due diligence audit (EDD)
The systematic survey of sites/buildings or possible investments on potential risks coming from soil and groundwater contamination or building contaminants e.g. asbestos & co.