
Risolva Infoletter

Free download of monthly changes in EHS legislation

Here you will find terms of use, information on content and sources and an important note on the scope.

Terms of use
The copyright of the Risolva Infobrief is held by Risolva GmbH, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 18, 72555 Metzingen. The complete or partial distribution of the text for commercial purposes is only permitted if the title and author are mentioned.

You would like to have the information on legal changes tailored and interpreted for your company? You want to invest your time in implementing the legislation and not in updating your legal register?  - This is possible with our AGENDA Update service.

Information on content and sources
The Risolva Infoletter is issued around the end of a month. It consists of three parts:

  1. In brief
    Here provisions are listed when changes have little or no influence on the operator obligations.
  2. Information for the operator
    Here you find an analysis of changes in operator obligations. We focus on provisions regarding the legislation of EU/state and federal level of Germany. We refer to the commercial website
  3. Tips and Information
    We collect useful additional information from relevant internet portals, e.g. the federal departments of environment (BMU), economy (BMWi), labour (BMAS) as well as the federal agency for health & safety (BAuA), the German statutory accident insurance (DGUV) with its institute for health & safety (IfA).

Important note
In the information letter, we only take into account the legal provisions that are, or may be, applicable to our AGENDA Update service customers. We therefore make no claim to completeness, either in terms of selection or content, for all others who read and use this Infoletter, and cannot grant this in any case.