
Making long stories short

Health & safety

Handling and storage of (hazardous) substances, industrial hygiene, exposure noise at the workplace, occupational health and safety in general, radiation protection, asbestos & Co., risk assessments, occupational medical check-ups - we translate legal requirements into day-to-day practice.

We offer the following services and tools:

ALGEBRA Workplaces 
With our top tool ALGEBRA you document workplace risk assessments 100 % legally certain and on only one (1!) page.

Hotline service
our in-a-nutshell-advice to all questions concerning operational EHS matters.

Legal Register AGENDA and AGENDA Update Service
The instrument to evaluate the applicability of legal provisions for a company/site and to document the related EHS operator obligations.

Compliance Talk
Training for EHS professionals and line managers on changes of legislation including discussion of the impact on our customers' operation definition of actions and related responsibilities, if necessary.

Compliance audit
The health check of a company's legal compliance which with Risolva is no black & white auditing. We give advice on how to implement legal provisions optimally as well.

Material Register MATRIX
The hazardous material register with time-saving input windows and drop-down menus for faster an more reliable data input.

Asbestos Museum
The mobile on-site training of maintenance staff consisting of safely packed showpieces and an extended photo collection. Visitors of our Asbestos Museum will experience the nature and composition of these materials haptically.

Other smart tools
In addition to our top tools, we also offer other little helpers to make your work easier: Accident statistics tool, Asbestos register, ALGEBRA Environment, ALGEBRA Machinery.